Best 5 Scary Halloween Games & Rituals You'd Have to Be Crazy to Try

The Bathtub Game

This one also comes from Japan, and apparently the Japanese really love gruesome background stories. The Bathtub Game is about conjuring the spirit of a young woman who died from falling in the bathtub. Her face hit the rusty old faucet, and it took an eye out. So naturally, Japanese teeny-boppers thought, “Hey, let’s invent a ritual to summon her!”
You play by stripping naked one night and hopping into a tub full of water with the lights off. You close your eyes and wash your hair, repeating a little chant while you visualize the woman in the bathtub slipping and falling to her death. Yuck.
If you do it right, you're supposed to feel movement in the water behind you. Supposedly she's there with her rotting, tattered clothes (why does she wear clothes in the bath? I don't know. Who am I to question a ghost?), her stringy hair and a gaping, oozing hole where her right eye once was. You will sense her and feel her. Don't open your eyes, or she'll kill you right there.
Keeping your eyes firmly shut and try to climb out of the tub (don't let her trip you or you're screwed) and make your way out of the bathroom. Don't worry about the water—you are supposed to leave it overnight. Shut the door behind you, go to your room, and go to sleep. (Yeah, right.)
The next day, the one-eyed ghost woman will follow you wherever you go. You will feel her presence and catch glimpses of her if you look over your right shoulder. She will keep getting closer... and closer... and closer... BOO! (Just kidding… I added that part, but you can do that too when you tell your friends.)
Where was I? Oh yeah…
So she will keep getting closer, and you should not let her catch you. You must end the game before midnight by yelling, "I cut you loose!" in Japanese while doing a karate-chop motion in front of her. If you don't cut her loose, she'll haunt your dreams and follow you for life—eventually catching you.
I think the biggest danger here is trying to move around in a slippery tub while scared crapless in a pitch-black bathroom with your eyes closed. So this might be a bad idea all around.

Never mind ghosts—If dolls are involved, I'm out.
PublicDomainPictures, CC0 via Pixabay

Hide and Seek Alone

Hide and Seek Alone has gotten some pretty dramatic results from people who try it, though it’s a bit of an elaborate ritual. Here’s a friendly little safety tip to avert disaster: don’t do this when some unsuspecting non-player is in the house, or they could end up dead.
In this game, you summon a ghost into a doll at 3 AM and then invite the possessed doll for a friendly little game of hide and seek. Only when the doll is "it," it doesn’t just tag you—it stabs you. So this is a game you’d better hope you don’t lose.
The player replaces the stuffing in a stuffed doll with rice and nail clippings, sews it back up and tosses it in a tub of water. He tells the doll that he (the player) is "it" first, then runs off to turn off all the lights in the house (leaving at least one TV on a white noise channel). The player counts to 10, then goes back to the doll and says "found you!" three times, and stabs the doll with something sharp.
The player then tells the doll that it’s the doll’s turn to be "it," leaving the sharp implement in the bathroom. Now the player must run and hide—supposedly a closet with a door that can lock is ideal. The player is also supposed to prepare a cup of salt water, which he takes a big sip of and holds it in his mouth.
That’s when the freaky stuff begins to happen. Many people report hearing knocks, scratches, footsteps, giggles, and even voices saying, “Where are you?” Some people claim the doll was not in the tub where they left it. A lot of people have caught such things on video as well.
Ending the game is a bit elaborate as well. The player sneaks back to the doll (or the murderous doll catches the player—whichever comes first), and spits the salt water on the doll. Yelling “I win!” three times ends it, and only burning the doll will get rid of the spirit.
They say not to let the game go on for more than 2 hours, because it makes the spirit too strong. Umm—I don’t know about you, but if I’m sitting in a closet with a mouth full of salt water, and a knife-wielding doll is wandering the house hunting me, I’m probably not going to last two hours.

Closet Game

If plain old ghosts aren’t enough for you on Halloween night, why not upgrade to demons? Then you can really put your immortal soul in danger.
The closet game is pretty simple. In a pitch-black closet inside a pitch-black room, a single player stands for a little while. Knowing they're about to summon a demon, it seems the main purpose for standing there in the dark is to ensure they're good and scared.
The person then starts holding up matches, one at a time, saying, "Show me the light or leave me in darkness." If there's any whispering, the player lights the match immediately and is just supposed to stand there holding burning matches. The big no-no rule is that he must not turn around—if the player looks behind him at any time, he will be dragged into eternal darkness.
One little warning is that the match might light on its own—if that doesn't leave a brick in your pants, I don't know what will. When he's had enough, the player can exit the closet.
As a lovely parting gift, your closet is now permanently haunted by a demon. Congrats!

"Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are..."
Artyom Kulakov, CC0 via Pexels

Dry Bones

Dry Bones is a demon—he likes to play hide and seek with you, and if you win he can be generous. This game is so dangerous that just thinking about it can summon Dry Bones to you before you’re even ready to start the game (and if you think that’s happened, get the hell out of the house until morning). But to properly begin a game, you’re supposed to summon Dry Bones with a match in the bathroom and invite him in to play at precisely 12:01 AM while you think of a prize you want (and it must be something realistic).
Dry Bones will make his presence known by moaning—and at that point, try not to make any sudden movements. Get to your hiding place and wait it out. If he doesn’t find you by 3 AM, you can come out and tell him to leave. That’s how you win. Your wish will be sitting outside your front door in the morning.
If he finds you, however, you lose… and you lose big. And, sadly, no one actually knows what happens if he finds you because no one’s apparently admitted to this happening. Maybe they’re scared silent… or maybe they didn’t live to tell about it. Who knows?
The big warning with this game is not to wish for someone to be hurt or killed—apparently, Dry Bones thinks this should require more than a measly game of hide-and-seek, and you will not like the price for such a wish.
Oh, and one more warning—never play more than once. Although some might say once is too much.

Devil's Mirror
orzoedith, CC0 via Pixabay

Devil’s Mirror

Some scare-seekers decided to forget the ghosties and demons and just cut to the chase—summoning the devil himself.
In this game, one single player lights 12 black candles in a dark bathroom and closes her eyes until the stroke of midnight. When she opens her eyes and looks at the mirror, she'll be face-to-face with the Prince of Darkness himself. At least with this game, the toilet is conveniently in reach in case the bricks start coming.
Play at Your Own Peril
I have played some of these myself, and I will tell you one thing: I do not believe they are games. I certainly believe many people can play and survive these games, but I think it’s more than just the imagination getting worked up. Stuff can happen. Freaky stuff sometimes. Playing these games has converted a lot of skeptics into believers. I caution you to take this article as a warning rather than encouragement.
Have you ever played any of these games and had something freaky happen (explain in comments please!)?
  1. Devil's Mirror
  2. Dry Bones
  3. Closet Game
  4. Hide and Seek Alone
  5. The Bathtub Game
  6. The Thumb Game
  7. The Midnight Game
  8. Charlotte's Mirror
  9. Triple Mirror
  10. Ouija Board
  11. Other
Source of article: Top 10 Scary Halloween Games


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